this crap is lame

Horny Melon

CRank: 10Score: 35910

on the way to killing the walking dead franchise. This is why videogame/movie tie ins fail so badly. People that don't get games start making decisions regarding them. They are trying to cash in too quickly on the series.

The Walking Dead could be turned in to a serious ongoing video game franchise if they took the time to develop a full game and not be so quick to cash in. A serious walking dead game could do what dead island will inevitably drop the ball on.

4965d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You haven't seen the 5" screen on the new samsung

4966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this thing will sell as well as the PSPgo. It is placed wrong in the market. Here is why...

It will costs as much as a smart phone and requires a data plan. But you can't make phone calls on it. So adults will have to decide if they want another monthly fee and another piece of electronics in their pocket. Not only are there real gamers who will say no to this, most casual gamers will as well as their cellphone already gives them a good casual experience at no ad...

4969d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

just abandoned the hardcore for the casual they have just fucked themselves. The whole reason videogames tanked in the 80s after just five years of being on the market is that the general public lost interest and moved on to something else.

The casual gamer can play breakout, pong, etc forever. They don't need to buy pong 2, breakout 2, etc. Once breakout becomes boring they will quit playing. This is why the videogame industry catered to the people that would keep coming ba...

4971d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

BULLSHIT. Imagine if you woke up and every stream and ocean turned into mountain dew and pepsi started sueing everybody because they put a straw in to take a sip. That is exactly what RIAA, MPAA, and gaming companies are doing.

Computers & the internet have made media easy to copy, easy to distribute, and easy to obtain. These technologies have essentially made the "supply side of supply & demand infinite. Any one piece of media is as ubiquitous as the air you br...

4975d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

is all the HD remakes ported.

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said the same thing with the PSP "Graphics are nearly as good as PS2". It looked super sexy on paper and in blown up screenshots, but you know what? It didn't matter. The screen was so small you couldn't tell the graphics looked amazing. Here, do an experiment for me please. Play crisis in windows mode and shrink it down to a 5" widescreen (5" by 2.75"). Tell me what you think.

4987d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

this thing will do as well as the PSPGo. It misses the mark in many things..........built in speakers, rear touch panel, lack of blutooth, no TV connectivity, proprietary "media card" show they missed the mark with integration with current hardware, compatibility and forgot player desires with the last generation.

The price tag puts it in smartphone territory, but being that it includes no phone capability it goes from a no brainer buy to a choice buy. Adults will h...

4987d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

but they don't pan out that way in the real world. When the PSP launched it's graphics were nearly identical to the PS2 save a slightly lower polycount. However to look at it that meant very little. The small screen size prevented any of those graphics from shining throgh let alone being detectable during intense gameplay.

4988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when we can expect new consoles at the earliest. Everything is pointing at Sony following at least it's normal time line. The PS2 was on the market for 7 years before the PS3 came out. The PS3 came out two years after the PSP launched. Both of these facts point to a 2013 launch at the earliest. Sony also starts releasing pics and rumors two years before launch. So we should hear something by end of summer if Sony sticks to it's timeline.

4989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the market by storm. In fact I'd be surprised if it does better than the PSP1. Seriously, think about where this product fits in the market place. I don't think the market is nearly as big for the PSP2 and Nintendo 3DS as it was 6 years ago when their predecessors launched.

The PSP2 doesn't function as a phone, which would put it in the biggest "yes purchase" category for adults. You wouldn't even have to think about it. "Oh I need a new phone, ...

4990d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

When the PSP 1 came out it was essentially the ps2 in your hands.

4990d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of those things have a long way to go. For the most part this will be the last generation that will be pushed by graphics. Indie games have proven that fun doesn't = graphics and in msny cases art style is a bigger pull than realism. This isn't to say that there will be no improvement next gen, but I think we will see bigger moves in AI, Animation, & community generated content.

4994d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

getting it completely wrong. Aside from every analyst, game creator, and console manufacturer saying that physical medium is in the foreseeable future let's look at the facts....

1) Gamers bitch about 20 minute installs. Can you imagine them having to deal with 4 hour downloads?

2) Huge swaths of the U.S. (the largest market) doesn't have access to broadband. That's a lot of customers to give up.

3) The game may be downloadable bu...

4994d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Anyone else think it's stupid you can't make a call with it?

4995d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stock market is no indicator of the over all economy. It is 30 some odd business's and when one isn't performing they replace it with a better one. Also the stock market is soaring but for the average person the U.S. is still bleeding jobs by the thousands a month, wages are still way down. "growing" is a technical term...yes the U.S. is growing but at a rate slower than people are added to the economy."1.3 million new jobs created last year" and 1.5 million people...

4996d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Unfortunately you are wrong. Tax cuts for the rich has not translated in to jobs. Bush's taxcuts freed up almost 1.5 trillion dollars. 3/4 of that was invested over seas for Bush's total run as president there was a net LOSS in jobs. Actually the teaparty called themselves teabaggers when they first came out. It wasn't until they became aware of what teabagging is that they changed their name to teaparty. And sorry I think poorly of tea party members as a...

4996d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

", which means that software sales for the console will be decreasing over time. "

Tired of this bullshit line. Game makers make money hand over fist every year and claim poverty.

sorry but pirated game does not = lost sale.

What's sad is a lot of people believe this bullshit.

5006d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

partly because they over estimated demand and partly because all the broadband aspirations tech companies have are bumping up against the reality of America's shit broadband backbone.

5010d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This thing is DOA.

5010d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment